9 Things You Should Stop Doing By The Time You Turn 30
'Stop ignoring your own wants, needs, and sources of pleasure.'
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Holly Riordan is a poet and the author of the novel ‘Forget Her’. This week, Holly is bringing us a message about self-love and personal growth—and how we can become our best selves.
Stop obsessing over manufactured timelines.
Stop assuming that there’s a certain age where you need to reach success, settle down, or own a house. Everyone moves at their own pace and comparisons are only going to make you miserable. Some people will cross off goals faster than you and some will accomplish them after you. Every journey is different, so stop stressing over where you should be right now because there is no right answer.
Stop reacting impulsively and start reacting mindfully.
You need to think through the consequences of your actions because your words and actions matter. You can’t help your feelings on a situation, but you can control your outward reaction. You can decide to handle situations with maturity and grace.
Stop ignoring your own wants, needs, and sources of pleasure.
You shouldn’t be living your life to please other people. You have needs, too, and they deserve to be fulfilled. By the time you’re thirty, you should stop worrying so much about making others happy and focus on how to make yourself happy.
Stop making decisions based on reputation or outside expectations.
It doesn’t matter what your parents, your friends, and your colleagues expect from you because this is your life and you get to make your own decisions. You don’t have to follow the traditional path that everyone expects you to take. Do what makes your heart happy and who cares what anyone else has to say about it.
Stop remaining in situations that make you uncomfortable.
By the time you’re thirty, you should have cut out quite a few people. After all, you don’t want to stick around in situations that make you miserable, that cause you extra stress and drama. If someone has been treating you poorly, don’t give them chance after chance. Walk away. Decide you deserve more.
Stop procrastinating out of fear of rejection or failure.
You’re never going to reach your dreams if you keep making excuses. You need to ignore the doubts plaguing you and do the damn thing anyway. Remember, failure isn’t the end of the world. It’s not even the end of the journey as long as you pick yourself up and try again.
Stop pushing away your uncomfortable emotions.
By the time you turn thirty, you should learn to embrace your vulnerability. Be honest about your feelings and transparent about your expectations. Stop playing pretend and acting like everything is perfectly fine when you are secretly upset because those lies will only extend your suffering.
Stop sweating the small stuff that will eventually fade away.
You’re entitled to your feelings – but you shouldn’t waste too much time dwelling on small things that aren’t going to matter by this time tomorrow. Be sad and frustrated in the moment – but don’t let that mood drag on forever.
Stop entertaining exes.
By the time you turn thirty, you should accept that some people are only temporary. Some people are only meant to remain in your world for a short while. And once they prove that they don’t deserve you, you need to move on. Stop living in the past. Live for the future because yours is a bright one.
For more from Holly, check out her beautiful books or follow her on Instagram.