Welcome to the Collective World X Thought Catalog Newsletter. Collective World is a one-of-a-kind creative network powered by the minds and voices behind The Thought & Expression Company. We’re so glad you’re here.
Most of us have a problem with moving on.
It makes sense—change is scary. But it’s more than that, isn’t it? It’s difficult to admit to ourselves that something that once brought us so much joy, so much fulfillment, may no longer serve us in the same way. It’s heartbreaking to have to say goodbye to something you swore you’d be able to hold on to forever.
But not wanting to move on is never enough of an argument to justify staying in a situation that is no longer good for us. More often than not, it is simply putting off the inevitable while allowing ourselves to flounder for longer than necessary—and more often than not, that comes back to haunt us in the end.
There is power in recognizing when it’s time to let go. There is power in saying, “This was good for me once, but it’s not right for me anymore.” There is power in choosing yourself this time—over and over again, as many times as necessary.
Moving on is about more than just leaving something behind; it’s about growing. As Rania Naim wrote, “It’s applying the hard lessons I learned throughout the years because this is the time to finally stop repeating the same mistakes, the same vicious cycles, or the same toxic behaviors that never worked for me. It’s finally moving on from all that wasn’t serving me. It’s finally choosing myself and my happiness.”
Because holding on to something that’s past its expiration date won’t bring back your past happiness. It won’t make the situation revert back to how it once was. All it will make you feel is hurt and disappointed because it’s no longer what it used to be. It’ll only make you dream of what was and wish it could be what is.
By moving on, you make space in your life for something even more beautiful to come along. By letting go, you give yourself the ability to grab on to something new, something that might hold on to you just as tightly.
And if you must hold on to anything, let it be these beautiful words by Saba May: “Honor the past by living fully in the present. Honor what was by cherishing what is. We don’t honor the past by clinging to it and wishing things would never change. We honor the past by living beyond it, transcending it, growing from it — carrying with us all the people who loved us, all the things that transformed us, all the memories that made us.”
What We’re Reading This Week 📖💛
“It felt like life: good and bad overlapping, everything, all at once.” – Jennifer Weiner
“What is a little funny is that turning 30 marks the end of other people thinking you’re exceptional.” — Scaachi Koul
“My body is not a montage of disgrace whenever it takes up more space. My body is a song of survival.“ — Conee Berdera
“So many men have imagined me that sometimes I forget what I really look like.” — Caitlin Conlon
“You have to believe there is more waiting for you and you will love again. Until then, be still.” — Kelly Peacock
For more reading recommendations follow Quote Catalog where we find and file the best things to read every single day.
Let us leave you with this:
“We all start as strangers, but we forget that we rarely choose who ends up a stranger, too.” — Brianna Wiest
Honor your past, but never let it hold you back. ✨
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“You have to believe there is more waiting for you and you will love again. Until then, be still.” — Kelly Peacock
Thank you for this :)