Reminder: You Are Not Failing If You’re Trying Your Best ✨
'You will get to where you need to be.'
Welcome to the Collective World X Thought Catalog Newsletter. Collective World is a one-of-a-kind creative network powered by the minds and voices behind The Thought & Expression Company. We’re so glad you’re here.
In today’s fast-paced world, where social media gives you insights into everyone else’s lives, it’s easy to feel like you’re falling behind. You see your old classmates starting families while you’re still single; you watch acquaintances get promoted into their dream jobs while you’re still not sure what you want to do with your life. You can’t help but feel that somehow, you aren’t measuring up.
This is your reminder that as long as you’re trying your best, you’re doing okay.
Instagram from ‘All That You Deserve’ by Jacqueline Whitney
You might not be where you want to be right now, but that doesn’t mean you’ll never get there. The reality is that most people aren’t where they want to be in life, even if they portray the opposite outwardly. But if you’re working toward what you want and you’re giving it your best effort, that’s enough. You’re enough.
Life is a journey, and as such, it takes time to get to your destination. It takes detours, and mistakes, and even failures to get to where you want to be. Sometimes you’ll mess up and take three steps backwards, but that’s okay. As Matt Wilks wrote, “life isn’t just about milestones and getting to your end goal. Life is about the stepping stones, the process, and the lessons and experiences you’ll take from it all along the way.”
Instagram from ‘All That You Deserve’ by Jacqueline Whitney
Remember, you are always learning. You are always growing. You are getting there, whether or not you recognize that or not. As long as you keep trying, you’ll be okay—everything will be okay.
And when you feel like you’re not doing well enough, remember these words by Arlene Ambrose: “This is your reminder to celebrate how far you’ve come instead of how far behind you feel. I know at times, it feels like nobody sees all that you do, the struggles you face, and the obstacles you’ve overcome. Worse yet, when it’s the people you want acknowledgement from the most. I see you. I believe in you. I celebrate you. You’re not alone.”
What We’re Reading This Week 📖💛
"I hadn’t yet figured out that uncertainty is not the same thing as love." — Jessica Slice
“Just a gentle reminder that it is a natural human rhythm to slow down when the weather turns colder and the nights are long. If you're struggling to keep pace right now, you're not lazy or a failure — you're just a person.” — Kate DePalma
“Joy is waking up with a headache and watching the leaves fall outside your window and thinking, I am lucky to be here.” — Heather Havrilesky
“you left me marked by something much deeper thank ink. more feral than men.” — Natalia Vela
“You have to find closure your own way. You have to let it all go.” — Kelly Peacock
For more reading recommendations follow Quote Catalog where we find and file the best things to read every single day.
Let us leave you with this:
“Even if you don’t feel it, peace surrounds you. Even if you don’t see it, you are doing better than you give yourself credit for. Even if you have no idea what’s going on or where you’re supposed to be, you are doing better than you think you are. You are not failing if you are trying your best. You are not failing if the results you want aren’t showing right now. Even if decisions you make now affect you later negatively, in the end it will be okay anyway.” — Jacqueline Whitney
This is your reminder to trust the journey—you’ll get there. 🤍
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