Save Your Heart For The People Who Choose You ❤️
'There will be people who will love you just as openly as you love them and who will never make you feel like you’re emptying your cup just to keep theirs full.'
Welcome to the Collective World X Thought Catalog Newsletter. Collective World is a one-of-a-kind creative network powered by the minds and voices behind The Thought & Expression Company. We’re so glad you’re here.
Here’s the thing about being a gentle soul: You tend to give your heart away easily. You love so genuinely that sometimes you forget there are people who don’t deserve every piece of you.
The truth is, you don’t always have to be there for the person who fails to show up for you. You don’t have to show up as the best version of yourself for someone who will only ever show you the worst parts of themselves. You don’t have to keep giving someone access to you if they only ever plan to take advantage of that.
Because even if you think you can handle it, even when you tell yourself it’s fine, relationships like this hurt you. They change the way you look at yourself. They make you question whether you’re worth anything better. As Holly Riordan so thoughtfully wrote, “They’re going to make you feel like you’re asking for too much when in reality you should be asking for someone so much better than them.”
Sometimes the best thing you can do is say to yourself, “I care about this person, but I care about myself too.” You can choose to set boundaries and actually enforce them. You can let go of the people who chip away at your own well-being. Don’t put your own well-being into jeopardy just because you’re worried others won’t be happy about it. Don’t hold on to a bad thing just because you’re afraid of being alone.
The truth is, there will always be people who will choose you. There will be people who will match your energy, who will give just as much as they receive. There will be people who will love you just as openly as you love them and who will never make you feel like you’re emptying your cup just to keep theirs full. And these people will never make you wonder if you’re lacking, if you’re important, if you’re enough. These people will always let you know how valued you are.
Please know that you are deserving of people who choose you too. And please know that you never, ever have to settle for less than that.
What We’re Reading This Week 📖💛
“This is your life. Eventually, you will make it. Eventually, you will get what you desire. You may not get there as fast as you wanted to, but at least you did it your way, played by your own rules, and lived every bit of it in a way no one else will understand, and that is the beauty of being yourself.” — Rania Naim
“Our world is afraid of passion because we define desire as lack.” — Heather Havrilesky
“You don’t have to forget this person. You don’t have to wipe away the accident or the events that followed. You only have to decide: I want to keep going. I want to move forward.” — John Paul Brammer
“Love will not always be easy. Sometimes love will hurt you. But love will also always find a way to heal you.” — Carley Dodds
For more reading recommendations follow Quote Catalog where we find and file the best things to read every single day.
Let us leave you with this:
“There are many people in your life who will choose you: friends, family, a crush, or that one person you never considered dating but are realizing they’re pretty cute. Invest your energy into those people actively wanting to be a part of your life, not someone you have to convince to love you. A convinced love will never feel as good as you dream it will. Especially when there are plenty of people out there who will choose you without thinking twice.” — Kirstie Taylor
Please know that it’s worth waiting for ✨
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