Some Gentle Reminders About Letting Go 🥀
'Sometimes, the only way to truly be happy is to just let go of what is holding you back and see what comes next.'
Welcome to the Collective World X Thought Catalog Newsletter. Collective World is a one-of-a-kind creative network powered by the minds and voices behind The Thought & Expression Company. We’re so glad you’re here.
Letting go is rarely easy. After all, the phrase itself implies having to give up on something we held close to our heart for so long.
Sometimes it’s necessary to let go for other people’s sake. They say that if you love something, you should let it go, because if it’s meant to be, it’ll come back. And of course that’s true—you should never hold too tightly to anything that doesn’t wished to be grasped. We have to give our loved ones the freedom to exist independently, even when it hurts.
But letting go isn’t always for the other person’s benefit. Sometimes it’s entirely for our own good.
Sometimes we have to let go of something we love because we recognize it’s no longer serving us. Maybe something that once brought us so much happiness now only brings us pain. Maybe a situation that once made sense in your life suddenly feels out of place and like it’s draining all your energy. It’s okay to recognize that something that was once right for us may no longer be. That’s not saying you were wrong in the first place, it just means you’re not the same person you once were.
Sometimes we have to let go because we suddenly see the situation more clearly. Maybe we were too in love to see the truth; maybe we were just ignoring the red flags because we didn’t want to see them. Maybe we were surprised by a piece of information that changed our opinion of something or someone forever. It’s okay to look at new information and decide to change our trajectory based on what we now know. That’s not being flaky, it’s just choosing to do what’s best for us with the information that we have.
Sometimes we have to let go because we deserve the freedom to exist independently, to find out who we are without any other strings holding us back. Sometimes letting go is simply taking a chance on ourselves and allowing ourselves to step away from our comfort zone—even when it’s scary and even when it’s heartbreaking. Sometimes we have to let go of the old to make room for the new. That’s not being a bad person, it’s simply choosing to grow.
Whatever your reasoning may be, just know that even though letting go can be difficult, it can also be life-changing in the best way. It can shape us into the person we’d like to become. It can teach us what we really value and what we really need. It can break old cycles and patterns we thought we’d be stuck in forever. It can give us the room to grow—and to find better things to hold onto in the future.
Letting go is difficult, but I hope you find the bravery to do it when you know it’s the right thing to do.
What We’re Reading This Week 📖💛
“Life will never be devoid of pain, so don’t ruin your chances by making it devoid of true happiness, too.” — Callie Byrnes
“To me, there’s nothing sexier than a go-getter who’s confident in what they bring to the table — and it’s disappointing to repeatedly meet men who don’t seem to feel the same way.” — Hannah Orenstein
“Don’t let your thoughts poison your experience. Practice acceptance. Let the world in.” — Heather Havrilesky
“There is no escape from the internet today, because even if you decide to respect everyone’s privacy, there’s no guarantee that they will do the same for you.” — James Greig
“I’m on a very deep, personal healing journey that requires a lot of work and attention and kindness. I’m going to continue healing and growing and learning. I’m going to continue loving, as deep as I do, but work on offering more of that kind of love to myself.” — Kelly Peacock
For more reading recommendations follow Quote Catalog where we find and file the best things to read every single day.
Let us leave you with this:
“Letting go of someone doesn’t always mean
that you don’t love them anymore.
It means that you love yourself enough
to become the person you need to be without them.” — Charlotte Freeman
Love yourself enough to let go 🤍
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